Student focussed, results oriented & passionately taught by community conscious, qualified staff.
Student focussed, results oriented & passionately taught by community conscious, qualified staff.

Our Programs


The Tots program is our specialised babies program. Within these classes we focus on getting babies to become competent in various fundamental swimming skills, even before they can walk! These include (but are not limited to); 

    • – being safe and comfortable in the water by blowing bubbles
    • – floating
    • – kicking and paddling
    • – safety falls & turning to safety

With the guidance of a qualified teacher, the parent essentially becomes the teacher and has a one-on-one lesson/time with their child. Out Tots program is a fantastic bonding experience!

Star Fish

3 to 9 months

Begin your child’s Aquatic Education at 3 months of age in our Starfish class. This class focusses on a equipping both parent and baby with a head start in swimming lessons. It is the aim of our Centre that parents gain an understanding into the skills and gain the confidence to participate with their baby in their classes.  These classes have been designed with your child’s physical, developmental and cognitive milestones in mind.

  • Ages 3-10 months of age
  • Maximum of 6 students per class
  • Parent are in the water for this class


10 months to 2 years

This class focuses on building on the skills from the Starfish class, as well as developing independent movements of arms and legs (supported by a parent as necessary). This class focusses on buoyancy and breath control, as well as your child’s gross motor development. This class is a prerequisite for our Rainbow fish class – unless there have been regular lessons prior to enrolment at our Centre.

  • Ages 10months-2years of age
  • Maximum of 6 students per class
  • Parents are in the water for this class

Rainbow Fish

18 months to 3 years

Rainbow fish builds on your child’s confidence and mobility – through the use of games, songs and waterplay. To enrol into this class, students must have completed Angelfish, or have had extensive prior experience with swimming.  The focus of this class is to increase independence and breath control in the water, whilst ensuring that safety techniques are in all class activities.

  • Ages 18 months to 3 years 
  • Maximum of 6 students per class
  • Comfortable in the water
  • Comfortably submerge
  • Parents are in the water for this class


The Risers program at our Centre is a unique, transitional program for young 2-3 year old toddlers. We believe that aquatic education is based around physical, cognitive and developmental stages for all swimmers. This program is considered a confidence & skill building transitional program from the Tots to the Strokies program



18 months to 2 years

The Penguins level transitional class is aimed at creating a familiar and comfortable environment for our swimmers, whilst introducing important elements of mainstream classes such as waiting for turns and using the ‘big’ kid equipment. Graduation from this class is determined based on your child’s readiness to separate from their parent and settle into the skills-based program.

  • Ages 2yrs+
  • Ready to begin the move to no parent classes
  • Parents are in the water for this class
  • Maximum of 6 students per class

Sea Horse

2 years to 3 years

When a swimmer is cognitively ready to separate from their parents into “no parent” classes, they will progress into this class. The class focuses on the removal of the parent from the water and maintaining a happy and successful learning environment for our swimmers to assist in being ready to begin stroke based classes. This is an advanced toddler class.

  • 2 yrs +, with appropriate signs of readiness
  • Ready to begin the move to no parent classes
  • Maximum of 3 students per class


The Strokies program is competency based from as young as 3 years old and focuses on getting children moving with confidence and utilising appropriate stroke techniques. Children in this program may begin with no or very little swimming experience, right up to their their tween years. As with all of our programs, this one too has a big focus on water safety skills.


This is the first level in our stroke based classes. Children will learn the foundations of movement between platforms with a high focus on safety skills. Your child’s confidence is paramount and this class enables children to gain familiarity in their abilities in a safe, structured format.

  • Happy to swim without a parent in the water
  • May not have had lessons before
  • Independent swimming level
  • Maximum of 4 students per class

Flying Fish

This is the second level in our stroke-based classes. Children will learn basic freestyle, perfect back floating and commence backstroke as well as continuing with water safety education.

  • Independent swimmer
  • Can happily kick and paddle with no assistance (no back floats or help)
  • Can happily put their eyes into the water
  • Maximum of 4 students per class


This is the third level in our stroke-based classes. Children will learn bilateral breathing and work on distance with freestyle, backstroke arms and commence breaststroke as well as continuing with water safety education.

  • Confident and independent swimmer
  • Can do basic freestyle arms, kick on their back and back float unaided
  • Can swim a minimum of 5 metres unassisted
  • Maximum of 4 students per class

Manta Rays

This is the fourth level in our stroke-based classes. Children will work on freestyle distance, perfect backstroke and learn breaststroke arms and butterfly kick. Students will also learn advanced water safety skills.

  • Very confident and independent swimmer
  • Can swim freestyle with correct breathing (bilateral) and confident backstroke
  • Can swim 15 meters unassisted
  • Maximum of 5 students per class


This is the final level in our classes. Children will correct all four strokes and gain endurance in swimming laps of the pool.

  • Very confident independent swimmer
  • Can swim freestyle and backstroke for over 15 metres
  • Can swim breaststroke and butterfly stroke
  • Maximum of 5 students per class
